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  • Datum početka:
    mart 8, 2025 at 9:00 pm

MARCH 8 | Black Acid and Death in Vegas founder Richard Fearless (@deathinvegasmusic) plays Karmakoma!

Fearless, real surname Maguire has written a peculiar biography, including a remix by Chris & Cosey for his Sasha Grey co-production, later featured in the Tom Cruise saga Mission Impossible. Trading London first for New York and then for Berlin, Fearless is chasing the industrial ambiance drone, the one that will smoke out your cathartic techno nostalgia. We’re looking forward to hearing how influences from London’s industrial scenery and those early 1990s when our guest played with Dave Angels, Derrick May, or Andrew Weatherall make a new ambiance with our heavy smoke machine action.

PRESALE soon and @resident_advisor

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