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  • Datum početka:
    mart 6, 2025 at 9:00 pm

This March, a series of strictly Thursday concerts called “Concerts for 200” starts at Karmakoma. The idea behind the series is to make a cozy atmosphere, both for the crowd and the performers, where you can enjoy the club, get your drinks in a jiffy, and have enough room to bust a move on the dance floor.

Antonije Pušić, better known as Rambo Amadeus, will open the first season of this unusual concert series and perform for the first time at Karmakoma on Thursday, March 6, starting at 21:00 sharp. The famous musician, satirist, and poet, whose mix of rock, ingeniously chosen samples, and jazz improvisations we have been following since the end of the eighties, has twelve studio and four live albums in his discography, and which repertoire we will listen to on March 6 will remain a surprise. The club also announces specially designed tickets by Marko Vuleta-Djukanov (@floating_bstrd), which the audience can take away as a souvenir, in addition to the sublime impression from the concert.

The godfather of the term “turbo-folk” already had his first hits with the albums “O tugo jesenja” and “Hoćemo gusle.” However, the album that made him famous was “Psychological-propaganda Kit M-91” from 1991, which, amid political tensions, with its sharp rhymes and fun songs, was a refreshment on the music scene of Yugoslavia. They were followed by “KPGS,” an album with an impossible title, and ten more independent studio albums, of which we single out “Muzika za decu,” “Don’t Happy Be Worry,” and “Oprem Dobro.” Throughout his career, Antonije presented unusual concepts, such as the legendary concert for 28 vacuum cleaners. He was the author of the animated series “Total Kontakt” and is famous for not performing songs at concerts in their album arrangement but often improvising.

We look forward to seeing what he has in store for his performance at Karmakoma.

TIMELINE (sharp)
20:00 DOORS

Early Birds 2500 RSD
Next price 3000 RSD

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